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Dustin Carter, PT, MPT

Physical Therapy
1200 West Fairview Street
Colfax, WA 99111
Phone: 509.397.3435
Whitman Hospital Therapy Services
Master's school:
University of North Dakota  
Special practice interests:
Continuing education courses: Orthopedic Manual Therapy of the Lumbar spine: Norwegian-Kaltenborn/Evjenth Approach, Mulligan concepts, Knee and Shoulder Rehabilitation from the North American Sports Medicine Institute, and multiple vestibular rehabilitation seminars

Specialties and Certifications:
Certificate of Competency in Vestibular Rehabilitation awarded in 2013 after APTA sponsored coursework and examination offered by Susan Herdman, PT, PhD and Richard Clendaniel, PT, PhD.

Practice Interests:
Dizziness and imbalance: Dustin has specialized training in this area along with over a decade of experience treating dizziness and imbalance involving the vestibular (inner ear) system or other body systems.

Orthopedic rehabilitation of the neck, shoulder, knee, ankle and foot.

Strength training
Dustin spent his first 3 years as a physical therapist working for us here at WHMC. He then relocated to Colorado where he developed a special interest in vestibular rehabilitation. He also developed an emphasis on mechanical evaluation of orthopedic problems with treatment focused on manual therapy and functional exercise. He has since returned to the Palouse and provides us again with his typical soft, healing approach that so many patients delight in.